Teacher educators
Educators in P-12 schools
P-12 school leaders
US context, reach beyond the 3-state collaboration
Use early career or beginning teacher to refer to teachers in their first 3 years of teaching
Use mentor teacher to refer to cooperating teachers who host teacher candidates
Use teacher educators to refer to teacher preparation program instructors / faculty
Use supervisor to refer to principals and other instructional leaders who are responsible for the evaluation of beginning teachers
Use culturally relevant and responsive pedagogy (lower case)
Use NExT, not NExT consortium
When possible, use an inclusive “we” to refer to both educators in teacher preparation and P-12 schools
Use gender neutral language (UW-M & NCTE policies)
Use acronyms in very limited ways
Referencing style
APA style guides
Editors’ notes
Use teacher preparation programs to refer to programs that prepare future teachers
P-12 school partners
Use teacher candidates to refer to program enrolled students and recent program completers who are not yet beginning teachers
Very limited formatting has been done in order to focus on content editing
Text and images inside boxes can be produced as stand-alone documents
Links provided in this version are to outside web sources
No internal links are in this document… it is a straight read through. In the final web-based formatting, internal links will be provided.
Some groups had reference lists. Only references used in the document text and those specifically listed as resources are used in this document.
Yellow highlight is incomplete