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STEP 2: Help the beginning teacher prepare for Student Work Sampling Interview

STEP 4: Rate the Student Work Sample Interview using the Student Impact Rubric

Table 4.4


Preparing for a Student Work
Sample Interview



Table 4.6

Student Impact Rubric


STEP 3: Conduct a Student Work Sample Interview

Teacher educators should schedule approximately 60 to 90 minutes for the interview procedure, depending on the type of assessment being examined.


While a suggested Student Work Sample Interview protocol is included, teacher educators should adapt this protocol flexibly to account for different student grade or developmental levels, content areas, types of assessment tasks, and the variety of language demands represented in the selected work sample.


During the interview, the teacher educator facilitates while the P-12 teacher:

  • Shares a teaching narrative using the gathered artifacts; 

  • Conducts a descriptive examination of the individual student work samples;

  • Analyzes student learning patterns; and

  • Evaluates the student learning patterns for future teaching.


Table 4.5

Student Work Sample Interview Protocol


STEP 5: Recognize the teacher participant with a letter from the teacher preparation program and copy the principal on the recognition

Table 4.7


Template for Recognizing the Teacher Participant



Step 6: Accumulate data from sample of beginning teachers who were selected and incorporate in program review data for continuous improvement purposes

Focus Group on Student Impact

A Focus Group on Student Impact can be used to gain insight into teachers’ understanding of their impact on students’ learning.  In the following chapter, we discuss planning and executing focus groups in order to obtain valid and reliable qualitative data for program improvement. Readers will notice a strong connection to many other types of data sources (both qualitative and quantitative) in order to inform high-quality focus group research.

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